Leafless epiphyte; roots chlorophyllous, flattened, thin, 20-30 cm long, ca 2 mm wide. Racemes short, usually 2-3 cm long, densely flowered; floral bracts prominent, dark brown, the margins erose, persisting on fruiting inflorescences; flowers to 1.5 mm long; sepals very pale cream, subequal, to 4.5 mm long and 1.5 mm wide, acute at apex, the ventral margin of lateral sepals strongly inrolled; petals to 4 mm long and 1 mm wide, white, the ventral margin inrolled in lower half; lip white, spurred, shorter than petals, narrowly acute, the lower edges inrolled, the spur nearly as long as the blade, extending well below the sepals. Fruits ovate-oblong, prominently ridged, ca 6 mm long. Shattuck 844. Rare; collected once by Shattuck at Gross Point. His collection, made in late March, bears mature fruits. Florida, West Indies, Trinidad, French Guiana, Venezuela, and Panama (no doubt in Colombia as well). In Panama, only from the Canal Zone (BCI and Summit Garden).