Family: Poaceae
Perennial, +/- erect, to 2 m tall (usually less), nearly glabrous but with hirsute nodes and papillose-hirsute sheaths; calms rooting at lower nodes. Blades 15-35 cm long, 12-20 mm wide, sometimes sparsely scabrous, the margins scabrous. Panicles 25-45 cm long; branchlets numerous, short, densely flowered, angulate, the angles scabrid, the base of the branchlets with longer trichomes; spikelets second, ca 1.3 mm. long, prominently veined; first gloms about half as long as spikelet; second gloms +/- equaling sterile lemma. Fruits indurate, ca 1 mm long, shiny, white. Croat 6408. Uncommon, occurring in swampy places; collected on the sandbar in Fuertes Cove. Flowering and fruiting in the rainy season. |