Family: Piperaceae
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Shrub, l-2 m tall; flowering internodes short and slender, villous, the trichomes appearing jointed or multicellular, directed outward, the stem glabrate downward. Petioles usually 2-4 mm long; blades thin, lanceolate-elliptic, gradually very long-acuminate, inequilateral at base, one side 2-4 mm shorter and obtuse, the longer side rounded to subcordate, the blades 9-15 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, sparsely long-villous on both sides, particularly on veins beneath, the trichomes occasionally more than 4 mm long, both surfaces but especially the lower with obscure to prominent reddish glandular dots, the major lateral veins in the basal half in 4 pairs. Spikes to 7.5 cm long at maturity; peduncles less than 1 cm long, with red glandular dots. Fruits 3-sided, truncate at apex, red-glandular; stigma sessile, unlobed or obscurely 2-3-lobed. Croat 10829, Standley 41164. Apparently rare; it has been collected in Creek # 7 on Shannon Trail. Seasonal behavior is uncertain. Distinguished by its narrow, long-pointed leaves with long, villous trichomes and glandular dots. Similar to and possibly not distinct from P. viridicaule. |