Family: Iridaceae
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Marica gracilis Herb. Rhizomatous herb, 50-100 cm tall, glabrous. Leaves basal in a 2-ranked, fan-shaped cluster; blades ensiform, long�-acuminate, tapered to base, 30-70 cm long, l-2 cm wide, the midrib conspicuously raised. Flowering scapes leaf�like, the peduncle appearing lateral and overtopped by the terminal leaflike spathe 30-40 cm long; peduncles 1-3 cm long, ensheathed at base with spathes 1-3 cm long; flowers 2-5, 3-5 cm long, soon withering, the tube obsolete; sepals 3, obovate, spreading, white with yellow and brown to purple markings at base; petals 3, much smaller, oblanceolate, spreading to about the middle, then prominently arched upward and inward toward center of flower, prominently reflexed at apex, yellowish with prominent purple transverse markings, especially toward apex; sexual parts not available for study. Cap�sules oblong, 2-3 cm long, green; seeds many, red, irreg�ular, ca 5 mm long. Croat 4130. Rare, in the forest. Flowers from January to June, principally in March and April. The fruits mature from June to January, principally from August to December. |