Liana; stems +/- reddish-brown, minutely lenticellate, ferruginous-pubescent when young; sap milky. Leaves opposite; stipules inconspicuous; petioles less than 5 mm long; blades +/- oblong-elliptic, acute to bluntly short-acuminate, obtuse to acute at base, 7-15.5 cm long, 3-6.5 cm wide, moderately thick, +/- glabrous, with glands at base of midrib above, often with large or small pitlike domatia in or near axils below. Thyrses axillary or terminal, 4-8 cm long, +/- ferruginous-pubescent on all exposed parts; pedicels very short or to 1.5 mm long; bracteoles triangular, to 1.5 mm long; calyx lobes triangular, 1-2.3 mm long, bearing 2 squamellae inside; corolla subcampanulate, cream or white, the tube ca 1 mm long, the lobes ca 2 mm long; stamens ca 1.5 mm long, half-exserted; filaments free; anthers connate, ca 1 mm long; ovary papillate; stigma fusiform, acute, sticky and held tightly inside anthers. Follicles commonly solitary (the result of 1 aborting), slender, mostly 25-50 cm long, to 7 mm wide, bearing dense, short, ferruginous-tomentose pubescence; seeds slender, 1-1.8 cm long, with a tuft of brownish trichomes 2-4.5 cm long at apex. Foster 950, Weaver & Foster 1614. Apparently rare, in the forest. Flowers from March to May in Panama, with the fruits developing to maturity in September and October. The species may flower twice per year, since it flowers chiefly during September in Belize.