Family: Bignoniaceae
Bejuco pata de gallo
Descripción: Plantas trepadoras o lianas con tronco ligeramente corchoso. Ramitas cubiertas de pelos y con un zarcillo simple. Hojas bifolioladas o trifolioladas, opuestas. Folíolos de 10-25 x 7-15 cm, ovados a obovados, con ápice agudo o acuminado, bordes enteros o revolutos por el envés y base redondeada. Los folíolos presentan puntos translúcidos. Pseudo-estípulas pequeñas. Flores con dos brácteas pequeñas en la base, corola rosada o ligeramente roja, garganta amarilla, estambres didínamos, anteras con las tecas divaricadas. Frutos en cápsulas, de 5-16 x 3-5 cm, ligeramente lepidotos en el exterior. Semillas aladas. Especies Parecidas: A menudo se confunde con LK arraca Arrabidaea candicans LK2 , pero en A. candicans los folíolos tienen el envés blanco y el haz seca de color rojo. Liana; stems terete, prominently lenticellate, with interpetiolar glandular fields; most younger parts densely stellate-pubescent; tendrils simple, few, becoming large and woody; pseudostipules inconspicuous or ovate to triangular, to 4 mm long, distichously arranged in dense clusters. Leaves 3-foliolate or with a tendril replacing terminal leaflet, appearing after onset of flowers, deciduous; petioles 7-12 cm long; petiolules 1-7 cm long; leaflets ovate, oblong-ovate, or obovate, abruptly acuminate, obtuse to rounded or subcordate at base, to 13 (28) cm long and 7 (15) cm wide, stellate-tomentose or glabrate in age except on veins. Panicles dense, in axils of fallen leaves, appearing before new leaves; flowers sweetly aromatic; pedicels, calyces, and corollas (except tube near base) densely pubescent with branched trichomes; calyx narrowly campanulate, 5-7.5 (9) mm long, 5-costate, the costae extending beyond margin to form short teeth; corolla lavender-pink, 3.5-5.5 (6) cm long, the tube white, glabrous inside; stamens with the longer pair 1.6-2.1 cm long; anther thecae divaricate, 2.3-3.5 mm long; pistil 2.1-2.8 cm long; ovary tapered-cylindrical, +/- flattened, 1.5-2.5 mm long, densely lepidote. Capsules oblong, smooth, +/- compressed, 9-18 (25) cm long, to 5 cm wide; seeds 2-2.5 cm long, to 4.5 cm wide, the body orbicular, tan, cordate at base, to 2 cm wide, the wings transparent. Croat 13962, Foster 705. Moderately uncommon. Flowers in the late dry season (March to May), with extravagant, long-lasting bursts of flowers. The fruits mature in the following dry season. Leaves fall during the dry season and are replaced shortly after flowering. |