Family: Araceae
Acaulescent, plant robust, glabrous, with large tuberous rhizome, often more than 1 m tall. Petioles 30-85 cm long, fleshy, rounded except for vaginate basal part; blades sagittate-ovate, short-acuminate at apex, 20-70 cm long, 15-45 cm wide, pruinose beneath at least when young, the basal lobes +/- triangular, obtuse, directed outward, to 36 cm long, the sinus open, acute; costae 3; midrib plus large veins extending almost to tip of either lobe, the major lateral veins in ca 6 pairs above sinus, all veins merging with a prominent collecting vein near the margin. Peduncles to 30 cm long; spathe to 21 cm long, green on basal bulbous part, white apically, to 8 cm broad when open; spadix to 17 cm long, emitting sweet odor when open, the fertile staminate part white, 10 cm long, the sterile staminate part bulbous at base, 4.5 cm long, the pistillate part yellowish, to 2.5 cm long. Fruits not seen. The species has never been collected on the island, but has been seen cultivated near the dock in the Laboratory Clearing. Flowering and fruiting during much of the rainy season in the Canal Zone. |