Epiphyte. Leaves very narrowly triangular, gradually tapered to the ovate sheath, mostly 10-30 cm long, ca 1 cm wide, thin, often purplish in age. Scapes erect, slender, 20-33 cm long, shorter or longer than leaves; scape bracts lanceolate-elliptic; inflorescences simple, oblong, distichous, 4-10 cm long, ca 22-flowered, compressed; rachis flexuous; floral bracts ovate, acute, ca 17 mm long, equaling sepals, at first erect, soon spreading; flowers sessile, ca 3 cm long; sepals equal, short-connate, lanceolate-elliptic, keeled; petals white, rarely seen, the blade +/- oblong, spreading at anthesis, soon withering; stamens deeply included, exceeding style; ovary superior. Capsules narrowly cylindrical, 4-7 cm long, the 3 valves dark brown and shiny inside, spreading widely and twisting to release the comose seeds; seeds 2.5-3 cm long, the seminiferous part ca 3 mm long, the coma fused and refolded midway. Croat 8233.