Family: Loganiaceae
Canjura, more...Fruta de murciélago
[Strychnos panamensis var. hirtiflora Standl.] |
Descripción: Plantas trepadoras o lianas con tronco gris. Ramitas terminales ligeramente cubiertas de pelos o glabras. Hojas simples y opuestas, de 4-12 x 3-5 cm, elípticas a ovadas, con ápice acuminado, bordes enteros y base redondeada o decurrente. Las hojas presentan tres nervaduras que salen ligeramente arriba de la base. Pecíolo de 1-1.5 cm de largo. Inflorescencias en cimas terminales. Flores blancas. Frutos globosos, de 5-9 cm de largo, verdes, tornándose amarillos al madurar. Especies Parecidas: Se puede confundir con Strychnos brachistantha LK2 , pero en S. brachistantha las ramitas presentan espinas y son ligeramente cuadrangulares. Canjura, Fruta de murcielago Liana or climbing shrub; tendrils short-coiled, pubescent, becoming woody; stems sparsely long-pubescent to glabrous in age. Petioles 1-5 (15) mm long, sparsely pubescent especially when young; blades lanceolate to elliptic, usually acuminate, acute to rounded (rarely cordate) at base, 4.5-12 cm long, 1.5-4 (5) cm wide, sometimes sparsely pubescent at base of midrib below, pliveined, the veins 3 (5). Cymes pedunculate, terminal; pedicels obsolete or to 3.5 mm long; flowers (4) 5-parted; sepals +/- lanceolate, to 4 mm long, ciliate; corolla salverform, 8-24 mm long, the tube greenish-white, very minutely papillate outside, with a broad band of moniliform trichomes on apical third inside, the lobes white, slender, to 4.7 mm long, recurved at anthesis, densely papillate inside; stamens exserted to 3 mm above the rim; anthers ca 8 mm long, attached subbasally; style exserted about twice as far as stamens, expanded somewhat and flat at apex. Fruits globose, l to several on a stout woody stalk, at first blue-green, turning orange and usually 6-9 cm diam at maturity; seeds many, 2-3 cm long, irregular, embedded in a fleshy, sweet, orange pulp. Croat 10229, 12595. Pacific slope of tropical Mexico to northeastern Venezuela and northern Colombia. In Panama, known from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone, Chiriqui, Coclé, Panama, and Darien, from tropical dry forest in Panama (Taboga Island), and from premontane rain forest in Panama (summit of Cerro Jefe). |