Descripción: Plantas trepadoras o lianas con las ramitas ligeramente seríceas. Hojas simples y opuestas, de 5-19 x 4-15 cm, ovadas o triangulares, con ápice agudo o acuminado, bordes enteros, a veces dentados o lobulados en plantas juveniles, base redondeada, truncada o ligeramente cordada. Las hojas presentan glándulas pequeñas a lo largo de los bordes del envés. Pecíolo de 1.5-10 cm de largo y con dos glándulas laterales en el extremo apical. Flores amarillas. Sépalos con o sin dos glándulas en la superficie exterior de la base. Frutos en sámaras, de 2.4-4.5 cm de largo.
Especies Parecidas: A menudo se confunde con LK stighy Stigmaphyllon hypargyreum LK2 , pero en S. hypargyreum las hojas tienen el envés dorado o plateado.
Liana, moderately pubescent all over, the trichomes small, +/- appressed, T-shaped, sparse between veins on upper leaf surfaces. Petioles 1-5 cm long, bearing 2 sessile, lateral glands at apex; blades ovate, obtuse to broadly acuminate, cordate or truncate to abruptly acute at base, 5-16 cm long, 4-11 cm wide, entire to variably and irregularly toothed (deeply lobed when juvenile), bicolorous, palmately veined at base, drying dark. Pseudoumbels several, often 1 sessile at each inflorescence node and 2 pedunculate at ultimate branches; peduncles 2-5 mm long, bearing 2 small bracteoles at apex; pedicels appearing articulate, very short or to 6 mm long; sepals 5, acute to acuminate, appressed-pubescent, held inward at apex, 4 bearing 2 thick glands ca 2 mm long; petals 5, yellow, caducous, rounded at apex, narrowed to a claw at base, ca 8 mm long, the margin +/- revolute and irregularly toothed, the petal opposite the eglandular sepal with a thickened claw, the blade sometimes marked with orange at base, +/- erect, the petals on either side of eglandular sepal with the lower margin upturned and cupulate; stamens 10, 2 or 3 elongating into hoods of styles, 4 reduced and sterile; anthers dehiscing inward, the connective much thickened; styles 3, to 4 mm long; stigmas broadened and hooded, +/- divergent. Fruits of 3 samaras, often becoming reddish, appressed-pubescent especially on seeds; wing dorsal, 3-4 cm long, ca 5 mm wide at base, broadened to ca 9 mm near apex. Croat 14083.