P. marginata Lindl. Densely caespitose epiphyte; pseudobulbs lacking; stems very short, bearing a single leaf. Leaves oblanceolate to rarely suborbicular, obtuse to rounded and usually minutely emarginate at apex, attenuate to petiole, 1.5-7 cm long, 2-8 mm wide, drying bicolorous, the margin dark, thickened. Flowers pale yellow-green, few to several, in slender weak racemes 5-12 cm long, usually much exceeding leaf; both peduncles and petioles surrounded by dried sheaths; dorsal sepal 4-6 (9) mm long, the lateral sepals weakly fused laterally, somewhat longer than dorsal sepal; petals erect, much shorter, hidden within sepals, marked with violet-purple; lip oblong, similar to lateral petals but longer; column white, equaling or exceeding petals, winged, the wings extending above anther in a point. Fruits not seen. Croat 10800. Common high in trees on shaded, moss-laden branches. Apparently flowering repeatedly throughout the year.