Tendriled liana; stems weakly 10-costate; branchlets bearing short crisp pubescence, the branchlets, petioles, rachises, and petiolules minutely appressed-puberulent; tendrils forked near apex. Leaves biternate; petioles 2-10 cm long; rachis unwinged; leaflets sessile to short-petiolulate (juveniles often on longer petiolules), oblong-ovate to elliptic, acute to acuminate at apex, acute to attenuate at base, entire to dentate with irregular black lines (at least on drying), glabrous but with strigillose midrib and main veins above, the basal axils sometimes bearing very slight tufts of trichomes below, the terminal leaflet 6-12 cm long, 2.5-5 cm wide. Thyrses in solitary and axillary racemes or in terminal paniculate racemes; flowers white, ca 4 mm long; sepals tomentulose; petals obovate, the scales of the anterior petals three-fourths as long as petals, the crest as broad as or broader than high, the upper margin thin, the appendages about as wide as long, bearded, fused laterally, the anterior glands broader than high, the lateral glands about half as broad as anterior glands; stamens 8; filaments +/- flattened, villous; ovary and style pubescent; style 3-branched; stigmas apical. Fruits ovate, subglabrous, 3.5-4 cm long, the cells puberulent, the wings sometimes reddish, subglabrate. Croat 7704.