Family: Fabaceae
R. phaseoloides DC. Liana; older stems flattened and several cm broad, the larger with 3 ribs below each petiole, the lateral ribs becoming prominent and corky in age, the smaller stems puberulent; most vegetative parts bearing raised, orange glands. Leaves trifoliolate, to 15 cm long; petioles 2.5-5 cm long, swollen at base, hispidulous; rachis with a raised margin above; leaflets ovate to rhombic-ovate, acuminate at apex, obtuse to rounded at base, mostly 4-16 cm long, 3.5-11.5 cm wide, glabrous to sparsely pubescent especially on veins below, the lateral leaflets inequilateral, the veins at base palmate. Racemes apical, to ca 15 cm long; flowers dense, yellowish-green, short-pedicellate; calyx to 2 mm long, puberulent and glandular-dotted; standard obovate, clawed, ca 6 mm long, purple-striate, puberulent and glandular-dotted outside; wings narrow, puberulent outside near apex, fused to keel near base, the keel petals fused in apical half, weakly enclosing stamens; stamens diadelphous; style bearing antrorse trichomes near apex; stigma borne among the anthers. Legumes ca 1.5 cm long and 1 cm wide, constricted between the seeds, puberulent; seeds 2, black and red. Croat 13817. Occasional, in all parts of the forest; possibly extending into the canopy. Though some flowers have been seen along the edge of the lake, they are rarely seen in the forest. Flowers from January to March. The fruits develop soon, but seeds may persist throughout the rainy season. |