Family: Poaceae
Slender, arching or clambering, vinelike plant, to 5 m long; culms usually in dense clumps less than 1 m wide with many slender, nodose, and geniculate branches in dense fascicles at broad intervals on culm. Sheaths pubescent, the upper edge extending beyond articulation, with usually 2-4 slender cilia; blades lanceolate, articulate at base, to 12 cm long, 4-12 mm wide, inconspicuously puberulent on lower surface, the trichomes near the base, glabrous or puberulent on upper surface, sometimes with sparse longer trichomes as well, the veins all about equally prominent, midrib lacking. Flowers very rarely found, in simple racemes 2-8 cm long; spikelets +/- crowded, appressed, bearing few flowers; lemmas 6-8 mm long, awned, the awn 1-2 mm long; palea slightly longer than the lemma, the keel pubescent. Fruits not seen. Croat 8175. Abundant in the forest and along the shore. Flowers chiefly in the rainy season, though flowers are rarely seen. |