Family: Sapotaceae
sapote, more...mamey sapote, marmalade plum (es: Mamey, mamey de tierra)
16:383. 1967 Mamey, Mamey de tierra Tree, to 30 (40) m tall, to 60 cm dbh; wood buff to reddish, hard and heavy; sap milky; branchlets brown-tomentose. Leaves alternate, clustered near ends of branches; petioles 1-4.5 cm long; blades oblanceolate to narrowly obovate, usually shortly acuminate, narrowly acute at base, 10-40 cm long, 4-14 cm wide, glabrous above, pubescent below, becoming glabrate in age, the trichomes sparse to dense, brownish, appressed or shortly stalked, T-shaped; primary lateral veins in 20-50 pairs, the secondary laterals perpendicular to and connecting the primary laterals, more prominent than the closely spaced reticulate veins. Flowers subsessile, clustered at leafless nodes; sepals 8-12, spirally imbricate, +/- orbicular, often emarginate or more deeply bilobed at apex, 2-6 mm long (the innermost longest), densely sericeous with T-shaped trichomes except on the thin, glabrous margin; corolla +/- cylindrical, 6-10 mm long, 4- or 5-lobed to about the middle or less; stamens attached at top of tube; filaments 2-3.5 mm long; staminodia linear-lanceolate, 2-3 mm long; ovary densely ascending-sericeous, 5-locular; style 3.5-7 mm long, pubescent to about the middle; stigma 5-lobed. Fruits fleshy, ellipsoid, ovoid, or subglobose, sandpapery outside, 8-20 cm long, brown; mesocarp usually reddish, often milky; seed 1, ellipsoid, 5-6 cm or more long, brown and shiny, with a broad dull scar extending the length of seed. Knight 1513. |