Family: Orchidaceae
Small, fan-shaped epiphyte; pseudobulbs lacking; stems short, hidden by leaves. Leaves grayish-green, few, obliquely ligulate, acute, often apiculate, 3-7 cm long, to 1.2 cm broad, articulate with a conduplicate base to 3 cm long and often oblique at apex. Racemes 1 or 2 from basal leaf axils, to 10 cm long, few-flowered; rachis laterally compressed, narrowly winged, subglabrous to puberulent with bracts to 7 mm long; flowers green, to ca 1.5 cm diam; sepals oblong-ovate, ca 4 mm long, keeled, the margins ciliate to serrulate; petals obovate-flabellate, to ca 6 mm long, often broader than long, round at apex, ciliate to serrulate; lip fiddle-shaped, to ca 1 cm long, the apex serrulate; disk with a fleshy, bilobed callus. Fruits not seen. Croat 5487. Rare. Flowering records are scattered; apparently flowers intermittently in both the dry and rainy seasons. Known only from Panama, from tropical moist forest in the Canal Zone and Panamd. |