Shrub or small tree, to 6 m tall; young stems, petioles, and axes of inflorescences moderately to densely pubescent with small, sessile, stellate trichomes. Petioles 6-25 mm long; blades narrowly elliptic, acuminate, attenuate and decurrent on petiole at base, 9-29 cm long, 3-8 cm wide, pliveined, drying blackened, sparsely stellate-pubescent below, usually soon becoming glabrate above, the veins sometimes pubescent, the margins entire or rarely sinuate to denticulate, the midrib often arched; major veins 3, usually arising well above base, with a weak submarginal vein. Panicles terminal, to ca 15 cm long; hypanthium and calyx ca 2 mm long, sparsely stellate-pubescent, the calyx teeth thin, obtuse to rounded, the external teeth thick, minute; petals 3, oblong, 1.8-2.7 mm long, often markedly oblique at apex, white; stamens 10; anthers 1.5-2 mm long, oblong-linear, the connective shortly prolonged at base, the two terminal pores about as broad as thecae; style about as long as stamens; stigma at first cupuliform, becoming capitate. Fruiting inflorescences with red axes; berries depressed-globose, 5-6 mm diam, at first red, becoming black at maturity; seeds numerous, minute. Croat 14609, 15052.