Family: Melastomataceae
Camasey-de-Costilla, more... (es: Dos caras, oreja de mula)
Description: A shrub or small tree with large, oval leaves that have bold, parallel, secondary veins and cream or coppery colored undersides; the upper side of the leaf is very shiny green. The base of each leaf extends back along the leaf stalk, and folds against the stem. Reproduction: Flowers are small, white, and carried in dense, pyramidal clusters above the leaves. It flowers in January or February, following the pattern of LK micoar Miconia argentea, LK2 with many individuals flowering synchronously for one day, then dropping flowers the next day. Indeed, M. impetiolaris and M. argentea often do flower on the same day. Later in the wet season, small berries develop and are consumed by many small birds. Distribution: Common along the road from Panama to Gamboa, in Gamboa, along Pipeline Rd. Present but uncommon in the old forest at Barro Colorado. Similar Species: Except possibly for LK micoar Miconia argentea LK2 or LK micoel Micona elata LK2 this species will not be confused. Neither, however, has leaves folded against the stem. Descripción: Árbol o arbusto de 2 a 5 m de alto. Tronco ramificado a baja altura. Corteza exterior marrón. Ramitas terminales con tallos aplanados. Hojas simples y opuestas, de 12-45 x 7-15 cm, oblongas a elípticas, con ápice acuminado, bordes finamente dentados y base cordada. Las hojas son verdes en el haz y marrón por el envés, presentan 5-7 nervaduras primarias que salen de la base hasta el ápice, y muchas nervaduras secundarias perpendiculares a las primarias, formando un patrón tipo escalera. Pecíolo ausente. Flores blancas. Frutos en bayas globosas, de 0.5-1 cm de largo, verdes, tornándose rojos o negros al madurar. Datos Ecológicos: La especie crece a bajas y medianas elevaciones, en bosques húmedos o muy húmedos. En Panamá se encuentra en las provincias de Bocas del Toro, Coclé, Chiriquí, Colón, Darién, Panamá y Veraguas. Común en bordes de bosques. Florece y fructifica de marzo a junio. Las semillas son dispersadas por aves que se alimentan de los frutos maduros. Especies Parecidas: A menudo se confunde con LK micoar Miconia argentea LK2 , pero en M. argentea las hojas son pecioladas y tienen el envés blanco o crema. Usos: No se conocen usos para la especie. Oreja de mula, Dos caras Shrub or tree, ca 3 (5) m tall, bearing conspicuous, ferruginous-stellate pubescence except on older stems, upper leaf surfaces, petals, and inner flower parts. Leaves sessile; blades obovate-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, gradually to abruptly acuminate, cordate at base, 12-45 cm long, 7-15 cm wide, soon glabrous above, entire or denticulate, pliveined, the surface visible between the trichomes below, the veins 3-5. Panicles sessile, to 27 cm long, almost as wide as long; flowers white; hypanthium truncate, 2.5-3 mm long; petals 5, white, reflexed, rounded at apex; stamens 10, somewhat spreading, in 2 series, the longer series with anthers held just above stigma; anthers curved, the connective expanded and toothed at base of anther; style straight, erect, ca 6 mm long. Berries globose, to 9 mm diam, sparsely stellate-puberulent, green then bright red becoming black at maturity; seeds numerous, minute. Croat 8052. Bocas Species Database Characteristics: Arbusto de 4 m. Ejes de las inflorescencias rojo-vino. Cáliz rojo-vino. Corolas blancas. Bush 4 m. Red wine inflorescence axes . Wine-red calyx. White corollas. |