Creeping or pendulous epiphyte; stems with many minute pseudobulbs ca 1 cm long enveloped at base by brown sheaths. Each pseudobulb with a single, thick, sharp leaf, +/- V-shaped in cross-section, mostly 2-4 (8) cm long and 3-5 (10) mm wide. Flowers usually solitary, 15-18 mm long, translucent with maroon or red stripes; dorsal sepal short, 7-9 mm long, equaling petals in length, the lateral sepals ca 1 cm long, oblique at base and adnate to foot of column to form a projection; the lip slender, extending from gibbous base, +/- equaling the lateral sepals, the sides folded inward; column flat inside, rounded outside, bearing 4 small yellow pollinia at its apex, the apical hood entire, its front edge easily removed as a narrow rectangular strip bearing the pollinia with it. Capsules ca 1 cm long, with 3 boat-shaped valves, persisting after seeds are shed. Croat 6744.