Family: Orchidaceae
[Ornithidium neglectum Schltr.] |
Erect or pendulous epiphyte; stems frequently branching, covered by closely imbricating bracts; pseudobulbs variable, ligulate to suborbicular,1.5-4.5 cm long, inserted at an acute angle on the stem, with 2 long bracts envel oping base. Leaves solitary from apex of pseudobulb, ligulate, 6-21 cm long, 1-2.5 cm wide, conduplicate and short-petiolate at base. Inflorescences many-flowered, produced in +/- dense clusters from base of pseudobulbs; flowers small, solitary, usually enveloped in 2 glumaceous bracts borne on short stapes; sepals concave, ca 6 mm long, not spreading, yellow or white, the laterals broadly rhombic, oblique at apex, adnate at base to column; petals slightly shorter than sepals, colored similarly; lip yellow, geniculate in profile, ca 6 mm long, trilobate near apex, the lateral lobes erect. Fruits globose, ca 5 mm long, rugose, with 3 broad flat ridges. Shattuck 544. Collected once on BCI; common elsewhere in Panama. Flowers throughout the rainy season. The fruits develop to full size by the early dry season, no doubt dehiscing during the dry season. The vegetative habit is exceedingly variable, especially the shape and size of the pseudobulb. |