Epiphyte with elongate, rhizomatous stems enveloped by closely imbricating, persistent bracts; pseudobulbs inserted at an acute angle to stem, +/- overlapping, narrowly elliptic, flattened and 2-edged, 4-5 cm long, l-leaved. Leaves ligulate, acute to bilobed at apex, conduplicate, 25-40 cm long, 1-2 cm wide. Flowers white to cream except for yellow on lip, solitary from axils of bracts of new growth, several open at once; pedicels 3-4 cm long, longer than bracts; sepals subequal, free, spreading, 2-2.5 cm long, to ca 5 mm wide, the laterals adnate to base of column; petals ca equal to sepals; lip obscurely trilobate, concave, slightly curved, yellow or white with yellow lobes, 1.2-1.5 cm long, ca 5 mm wide, contracted at base and articulated with foot of column. Fruit not seen. Dressler 2951(F).