Family: Marcgraviaceae
[Marcgravia tonduzii Gilg] |
Descripción: Plantas trepadoras o lianas con el tronco negro y cubierto de lenticelas marrón. Ramitas terminales anguladas, flexuosas y pendulares. Hojas simples y alternas, de 10-25 x 3-7 cm, elípticas o lanceoladas, con ápice acuminado, bordes enteros y base aguda a obtusa. Las hojas son glabras y coriáceas, presentan puntos glandulares a lo largo de los bordes del envés. Pecíolo de 0.3-0.6 cm de largo. Inflorescencias en umbelas terminales. Frutos globosos y carnosos, de 0.5-1.2 cm de largo. Semillas cubiertas de una pulpa roja o anaranjada. Especies Parecidas: A menudo se confunde con LK soursy Souroubea sympetala LK2 , pero en S. sympetala las hojas se tornan rojas al madurar. También se puede confundir con plantas de la familia Annonaceae, pero las Annonaceae son árboles y arbustos. Seem., J. Bot. 8:245.1870 Glabrous hemiepiphytic shrub or liana; trunk usually less than 6 cm diam, usually ascending a single tree, the ultimate branches slender, long-pendent, the smaller branches somewhat angulate. Petioles less than 1 cm long; blades obovate-oblong to elliptic-oblong, acuminate, rounded at base, 10-23 (35) cm long, 4-7 (9) cm wide, with a row of minute glands along margins below. Inflorescences terminal, umbelliform, pendent; pedicels spreading, to 3.5 cm long (to 4.5 cm in fruit), turned downward just before the apex; flowers 25-30, radially disposed from a +/- globose rachis; bracteoles and sepals +/- suborbicular; sepals 4, persistent in fruit, to 4 mm long and 6.5 mm wide, the inner 2 smaller; petals connate into a deciduous cap 8-10 mm long; stamens 25-30, pendent; filaments linear, flattened, 3-8 mm long; anthers ca 2 mm long; ovary subglobose, ca 3 mm diam, ca 10 locular; style short; nectaries 5 or 6, dark violet-purple, dipper-shaped, 6-9 cm long, the cup to 3.5 cm long and to 2.8 cm wide, somewhat constricted at apex, the stalk to 5.5 cm long. Capsules depressed-globose, apiculate, to 1.2 cm diam, brown; exocarp thin; mesocarp fleshy, red; seeds numerous, ca 1 mm long. Croat 7033. Occasional, in the forest; juvenile plants ascending trees are more common. Flowers and fruits most abundantly in the dry season, although some flowers are seen as early as September. Plants are generally not found in the crown of a tree but rather on the trunk below the crown. See Fig. 384. Bocas Species Database Distribution: Isla Colón Characteristics: Vine/Liana Bejuco epifito, a ± 8 m de alto. Fruto verde - chocolate. Epiphyte reed ± 8 m high. Green- chocolate fruit . |