Caespitose epiphyte; pseudobulbs lacking; stem flattened, unbranched, obscured by equitant, distichously imbricating leaves. Blades acute, 2-3.5 cm long. Inflorescences short, solitary, l-flowered scapes from upper leaf axils; flowers yellow with an orange callus on inner surface of lip near base; sepals elliptic-lanceolate, acute, 4-5 mm long, with apiculate tips; petals broader than sepals, obtuse to acute; lip 7-8 mm long, +/- convex and deeply emarginate, the margins raised, thickened, and papillose at apex with an erect, central spur. Fruits not seen. No specimens seen for BCI, but reported by R. Dressler. Apparently flowers in the early dry season (Powell 372).