L. pallida Reichb.f. Caespitose epiphyte; pseudobulbs lacking; stem flattened, unbranched, covered with equitant, distichously imbricating leaves. Blades acute, short, to 3 cm long. Flowers small, yellowish or white with a yellow lip, in 1-3 divaricately branched panicles to 8 cm long at or near apex; pedicels slender, subtended by small subcordate bracts; sepals and lateral petals subequal, ovate, +/- rounded at apex, strongly concave, to ca 4 mm long; lip 4.7-6 mm long, somewhat expanded and bilobed at apex, fused to the short column near the base; column with lateral wings, the wings not surpassing apex; pollinia 2, pale yellow, teardrop-shaped. Fruits +/- obovate, 6-10 mm long, pruinose, smooth, splitting into 3 valves. Croat 8056. Common high in trees in the forest. Flowers in the dry season (December to April), especially in the early dry season, with the fruits maturing in the early rainy season.