Erect, stoloniferous plant, mostly to 50 cm tall; culms slender, glabrous except for long tufts at collar. Sheaths slightly shorter than the internodes, long-ciliate, papillose-pubescent; blades 4-12 cm long, ca 5 mm wide, short-pilose throughout, minutely scabrid on margins. Inflorescences of paired racemes 3-7 cm long; rachis and pedicel pilose-ciliate, disarticulating; spikelets paired, to 5.5 mm long, the long-pedicellate spikelet often not fruitful; glumes rounded at base, narrowly acuminate, pilose above middle, scabrid on margins; lemmas hyaline, the fertile lemma with a geniculate, twisted awn, the awn ca 7 mm long. Fruits not seen. Croat 7003.