Vine; stems and petioles usually very sparsely long-pubescent. Petioles 3-12 cm long, square; blades ovate, long-acuminate at apex, deeply cordate and palmately veined at base, 2.5-12 (20) cm long, 2.5-10 (18) cm wide, entire, dentate or deeply lobed, glabrous except the veins very sparsely pubescent. Cymes axillary, bearing several flowers (7-15); peduncles 4-9 cm long; pedicels bracteate, 1-6 mm long; sepals 5, oblong, 8-10 mm long, medially ribbed, narrowly long-acuminate, sometimes with long trichomes on outside, usually ciliolate; corolla to ca 3.5 cm long (longer elsewhere), the tube violet outside, redviolet inside, darker near base, glabrous except for white-tipped, glandular trichomes near base inside (also on base of filaments), the limb white, broadly spreading at anthesis (as all Ipomoea species); stamens 5, of unequal lengths, 1.3-2.5 cm long; ovary densely hispid; style ca 2 mm long; stigmas obscurely bilobed. Capsules ovoid, ca 5 mm long, splitting into 3 valves, glabrous or hispid on all but basal third; seeds 4, globose, ca 3 mm long, dark brown, glabrous. Croat 4563, 7250. Occasional, in the Laboratory Clearing. Flowers and fruits from October to July, especially in the dry season. The species is variable and elsewhere may have lobed leaves.