Small epiphyte; pseudobulbs minute or lacking. Leaves +/- linear, from a very short stem, narrowly acute at apex, mostly 3-8 cm long, l-4 mm wide, about half as thick as wide, sulcate along one edge. Inflorescences arising from among the leaves, simple or sparsely branched, equaling or exceeding length of leaves, 3-10 cm long; peduncles slender, with several sheathing bracts 3-5 mm long; flowers ca 6 mm long; sepals brownish-cream to rose-purple, united for ca one-third their length, acute and +/- recurved at apex, the midvein +/- thickened on outside; petals white with purplish markings on veins, thinner than sepals, to 5.5 mm long and 1.8 mm wide; lip +/- oblong, truncate, to 5.5 mm long and 2.5 mm wide, white with 2 purplish lines medially, with a yellow, bifurcate callus near base just above the short, terete claw. Fruits oblong-elliptic, the body ca 1.5 cm long and 1 mm wide, narrowly tapered at both ends, the basal stipe to 7 mm long. Dressler s. n.