Family: Cucurbitaceae
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[Gurania levyana Cogn., moreGurania seemanniana Cogn.] |
Descripción: Plantas trepadoras o lianas con las ramitas cubiertas de pelos lanosos y zarcillos laterales. Hojas simples y alternas, a veces palmatilobuladas, de 18-33 x 16-36 cm, ovadas, con ápice acuminado, bordes dentados y base cordada. Las hojas se encuentran ligeramente cubiertas de pelos por el haz y en el envés, a veces presentan de 3-7 lóbulos. Pecíolo de 4-18 cm de largo y cubierto de pelos lanosos. Flores anaranjadas. Frutos elipsoidales o cilíndricos, de 5-7 x 1-2 cm de ancho, delgados en el ápice y redondeados en la base. Especies Parecidas: A menudo se confunde con LK guraco Gurania coccinea LK2 , pero en G. coccinea las hojas son ovadas o trilobuladas, a veces trifolioladas. Dioecious vine; stems and leaves sparsely to densely white-vinous; tendrils simple. Petioles 4-10 cm long; blades usually deeply (3) 5 (7) -lobed, 15-30 (40) cm long, nearly as wide as long, cordate at base, chartaceous, the lobes acuminate, 4-7 cm wide, with apiculate teeth, the upper surface minutely pustulate; juvenile leaves often entire or shallowly lobed. Inflorescences sparsely to densely pilose; flowers 5-parted; calyx orange; corolla yellow; staminate inflorescences solitary, pendent; peduncles to 15 cm long; staminate flowers sessile, in subglobose clusters; floral rachis 1-2 cm long; calyx ovoid at base, densely vinous, the lobes almost filiform, to 4 cm long; corolla fleshy, acute at apex, only slightly exceeding anthers, conspicuously papillose-puberulent, to 15 (24) mm. long, the tube constricted above anthers; anthers 2, included, dorsifixed, subsessile, narrowly ovate, 5-6 mm long; pistillate flowers pedicellate, several per axil, on usually leafless nodes at the stem apex; pedicel and ovary together 1.5-2 cm long; pedicels 4-5 cm long in fruit; inner surfaces of calyx and corolla glabrous, otherwise much like staminate flowers. Fruits cylindrical, 4-6 cm long and 2-2.5 cm broad, green at maturity with the old flowers persisting; seeds many, depressed-ellipsoid, 6-9 mm. long and 3-5 mm broad, white. Croat 5674, 9408. Bocas Species Database Distribution: Isla Colón Characteristics: Vine |