Epiphyte, similar to G. quinquenervis but the flowers more richly colored; the sepals rich yellow to orange, usually sparsely blotched with dark red or dark purple; the petals greenish-yellow, usually spotted with dark red; the lip very fleshy, its base (the hypochile) broader than in G. quinquenervis, the basal horns of the lip hemispheric and fleshy (thicker than those of G. quinquenervis). Apparently rare on BCI; reported by Dressler, but no specimens seen from the island. More common than G. quinquenervis (fide R. Dressler, pers. comm.). Flowering pattern is apparently the same as that of G. quinquenervis. Dressler (1968a) reported it to flower during March and April. Pollinated consistently by the bee Euglossa ganura. Visits are made in the morning until 11:00 A.M. (Dressler, 1966).