Family: Orchidaceae
Densely caespitose, dwarf epiphyte, to 8 cm tall; pseudobulbs lacking; stems covered with overlapping leaf bases. Leaves +/- equitant, linear-oblong, acute, l-3 cm long, to 1 cm wide, fleshy. Inflorescences of 1 to few sessile flowers in terminal leaf axils; flowers pale greenish-brown tinged with pink; sepals usually +/- lanceolate, 0.8-2 cm long, 2-4.5 mm wide, the lateral ones slightly shorter than dorsal one and connate at their base with the claw of the lip; petals similar to sepals except smaller; lip long-clawed, trilobate, 9-15 mm long, nearly as broad as long, the claw adnate to the column, the lateral lobes small, the terminal lobe obovate-cuneate, bilobed or deeply bifid. Fruits +/- globular, ca 1 cm long, prominently 3-angled. Croat 8199. Occasional, in the forest, usually on the upper surface of larger branches high in the canopy. Flowers in Panama principally during the early dry season (December to February). The fruits develop quickly; ones of mature size are seen frequently in February. |