Caespitose epiphyte; pseudobulbs lacking, stem unbranched, 4-18 cm long. Leaves conduplicate, 2-ranked, narrowly linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, sheathing at base, l-2 (4) cm long, to ca 5 mm wide. Flowers numerous, solitary from leaf axils, on slender pedicels to 1.5 cm long, white spotted with lavender (sometimes completely lavender elsewhere), to 1.5 cm long; sepals acute to acuminate, the lateral ones falcate; petals shorter and broader than sepals; lip sagittate, recurved, the lateral lobes folded over the column; column short; pollinia held beneath a purple, caplike flap. Fruits narrowly obovate, ca 1 cm long, weakly ribbed. Croat 8099. Abundant in the forest, often growing in dense mat, occasionally in association with Masdevallia livingstoneana and species of Pleurothallis. Flowers throughout the dry season, especially in February and March, rarely during the dry season elswhere in Panama.