Prostrate or ascending perennial herb, rooting at nodes; stems uncinate-puberulent. Leaves trifoliolate; stipules to 7 mm long, caducous; petioles 3-6 cm long; leaflets ovate to ovate-deltoid, acute or gradually acuminate at apex, +/- truncate at base, sparsely strigillose on both surfaces, thinly and palely pubescent below, the terminal leaflet 5-8 cm long, the lateral leaflets smaller. Racemes axillary, elongate; pedicels solitary, slender, ca 1.5 cm long; calyx ca 3.5 mm long; corolla blue or pink, ca 4.5 mm long. Loments briefly stipitate, downcurved, entire on upper margin, cleft from the lower margin, uncinate-pubescent; segments 2, each 8-10 mm long. Croat 14958. Rare, in the forest along trails. Flowers at least in May and June. Guatemala to northwestern South America. In Panama, known only from tropical moist forest on BCI and in Darien.