Monoecious vine; all parts densely short-pubescent. Leaves alternate, simple; stipules 3-5 mm long, caducous; petioles 2.5-14 cm long; blades variable, entire or trilobate to about middle, mostly 10-16 cm long, usually broader than long, the margins serrulate to entire. Inflorescences borne within large involucral bracts on short axillary shoots; involucral bracts ovate, exceeding inflorescence, prominently veined, 3-dentate at apex, white at anthesis, becoming green; both the staminate and pistillate cymules contained within same inflorescence, the old staminate cymule persisting; staminate flowers with (3) 4-6 calyx lobes; disk and petals lacking; stamens 30-45; pistillate flowers with 9-12 fimbriate calyx lobes; ovary densely hispidulous; styles 3, connate, ca 1 cm long; stigma 1, compound, peltate, concave, 1.5-2.5 mm wide. Capsules 3 per cymule, ca 1 cm diam, densely hispid, the trichomes irritating; seeds ca 4 mm long, mottled. Wetmore & Abbe 156. An abundant plant in disturbed areas in the vicinity of the Canal Zone, but it has not been seen recently on the island. Flowers from October to February. The fruits mature mostly from February to April (sometimes to July).