Bejuco frijolillo, Sisa guidup Shrub, small tree, or small liana, to 5 m tall; young stems and petioles rufous-pubescent. Leaves simple; petioles to 1.5 cm long, pulvinate and often articulate at both ends, less often basally; blades ovate, obtuse to acute at apex, rounded to subcordate at base, 5-8 cm long, 3-5 cm wide, inconspicuously strigillose when young, possibly glabrous in age, shiny above, pale below. Panicles short, axillary or subterminal; flowers fragrant, white; pedicels 2-5 mm long, pubescent; calyx ca 4-5 mm long, bilabiate, lobed about half its length, the upper lobe shallowly bifid, the lowermost tooth elongated and subulate, the calyx subtended by bracts, the bracts 2, opposite, obtuse, ca 1 mm long; petals ca 10 mm long, obovate, the keel petals united; stamens 10, diadelphous, ca 5 mm long, the staminal column open basally. Legumes usually 1 per inflorescence, l- or 2-seeded, oblong, mostly 1.5-2 cm long (to 3 cm long if 2-seeded), 1 cm wide, and ca 3 mm thick, glabrous, speckled; seeds flattened, brown, to ca 7 mm diam. Croat 7903, Foster 955. Occasional, along the shore, usually partly in water. Flowers mostly from February to May. The fruits mature from April to August.