C. panamense Ames Epiphyte; pseudobulbs lacking; stems unbranched, to 35 cm long. Leaves alternate, conduplicate, distichous, 4-9 cm long, 1.2-2 cm wide, articulate at base, ultimately deciduous below, alternating along stem with long, thickened, whitish roots. Inflorescences short, recurved, densely flowered racemes from base of roots; flowers small, secund and distichously arranged on scape, white or greenish; sepals to 4.5 mm long, +/- linear; petals to 4 mm long; lip trilobate, to 4.5 mm long, produced at base into a spur ca 4 mm long. Fruits +/- oblong, somewhat curved, longitudinally grooved, 6-9 mm long. Croat 4623. Fairly common in the forest and around clearings, preferring sunlight. Plants flower for a moderately long period of time and may bear fruits on lower inflorescence branches while still in flower, in the late dry and early rainy seasons, mostly from April to June. Peak fruiting season is unknown, but plants with developed fruits appear to be most common during the rainy season and early dry season.
Bocas Species Database
Habitat: Secondary limestone forest. Distribution: Provincia de Bocas del Toro