Leptochilus cladorrhizans (Spreng.) Max. Terrestrial, to 1 m tall; rhizome stout, erect to short-creeping with thin brown lanceolate-linear scales. Leaves 1-pinnate, dimorphic; petiole and rachis with scattered, thin, lanceolate scales, ridged, light brown; sterile leaflets in 5-7 pairs, +/- oblong, long-acuminate, acute to obtuse or rounded and often inequilateral at base, 10-25 cm long and 2-8 cm wide, usually undulate to shallowly lobed and crenate-serrate, confluent toward apex, the veins anastomosing, with scales on midrib beneath like those on petiole; fertile leaflets narrower, oblong to strap-shaped, entire to moderately lobed, 2-20 cm long, 0.5-2.5 cm wide. Sporangia densely covering entire lower surface except midrib. Croat 5827.