A. myriodonta Standl. Shrub, usually less than 60 cm tall (to much taller elsewhere); stems, petioles, lower leaf surfaces, and exposed parts of inflorescences sparsely granular-puberulent. Petioles 1-1.5 (2.5) cm long; blades +/- elliptic to oblanceolate, acuminate, cuneate at base, 18-32 cm long, 6-10.5 cm wide, decurrent on petiole as marginal ribs, glabrous and shiny above, dull and often purplish below (with minute red-orange punctations when held to light), pectinate-dentate, the teeth subulate. Panicles small, terminal, violet, usually less than 4 (to 20) cm long, about as broad as long; pedicels 4-11 mm long, slender; calyx deeply lobed, 2-3 mm long, persistent, the lobes 4 or 5, ovate, acuminate, recurved, with orange pellucid punctations near apex; corolla 4-6 mm long, 4- or 5-lobed to near base, the lobes glandular-punctate near apex, violet-purple outside, light violet inside; stamens 4 or 5, 1.8 2 (4) mm long, somewhat exserted; filaments fused to corolla at base; anthers yellow, equaling filaments, dehiscing laterally, beginning at apex; style simple, slender, 2-4 (5) mm long. Drupes depressed-globose, ca 6 mm diam, purple-black at maturity; seed depressed-globose, 4-5 mm diam, brown. Croat 11156, 14473.