Family: Dioscoreaceae
Bulbous Yam
[Dioscorea costaricensis R.Knuth, moreDioscorea pilosiuscula Bertero ex Spreng., Dioscorea pilosiuscula var. panamensis R.Knuth, Dioscorea sapindoides] |
Presl, Rel. Haenk.1:33.1830 Dioecious twining vine, extending into trees in the forest; stems slender, terete, usually sparsely and inconspicuously pubescent, twisting to the right. Leaves alternate, thin; petioles 3-5 (8) cm long, pubescent, flattened above, minutely ribbed marginally, somewhat angulate on lower side, both ends thickened; blades ovate-oblong, abruptly acuminate, cordate at base, (4) 9-15 (19) cm long, 5.5-11 cm wide, glabrous, not pellucid-lineate, bearing dark, scattered, platelike glands on lower surface especially at base in vein axils; veins 9 (11) (cauline veins 3), palmate, impressed above, raised below (intervenous areas sometimes becoming achlorophyllous in age); juvenile plants with leaves mottled green above, violet-purple below, the basal lobes sometimes +/- truncate. Inflorescences axillary; rachises, pedicels, perianth segments, and ovaries short-pilose; staminate inflorescences 1-3 per axil, the rachis angulate, 5-25 (30) cm long, usually simple; flowers in numerous, short, several-flowered racemes, the pedicels short, each subtended by a narrowly triangulate bract; perianth to 2 mm long, 6-lobed ca two-thirds of the way to base, glabrous within; stamens 6, less than 1 mm long, included; filaments connate into a tube. Pistillate inflorescences unbranched, solitary or paired, 6-30 cm long, the flowers 5-6 mm long, the perianth to 2 mm long, lobed to about middle, glabrous within; staminodia 6, minute; styles 3, ca 0.7 mm long, stout; stigmas bifid. Capsules 3-winged, oblong, obtuse to rounded at apex, rounded to subcordate at base, to 2 cm long and 1.1 cm wide, glabrous or sparsely short-pilose along median at maturity; seeds oblong, samaroid,10-13 mm long, 4-5 mm wide. Croat 12804,12837. |