Perennial; calms very slender, rooting at lower nodes, creeping at base, ultimately ascending, pubescent at least at nodes. Sheaths shorter than the internodes, pilose with long-ciliate margins; blades ovate-lanceolate, somewhat asymmetrical, 1.5-6 cm. long, 8-18 mm wide, sparsely pubescent to glabrous above, usually pubescent throughout below, the margins scabrid. Inflorescence a panicle to 15 cm long of short racemes; racemes 0.5-1.5 cm long; rachis and pedicel scabridulous; spikelets to 2 mm long, pubescent; first gloms about one-third the length of the spikelet; second gloms and sterile lemma covering fruit; sterile lemma with two conspicuous glands near the middle. Fruits ellipsoid, ca 1.2 mm long, pale, shiny. Croat 9269. Uncommon; collected on steep banks and trails in moist areas of the forest. Flowering and fruiting throughout the year, especially during the dry season.